You're probably familiar with Buy Local RI as a holiday campaign. It's been around for years, under the stewardship of the Rhode Island Foundation. Last fall, they entrusted GoProvidence with ownership of Buy Local RI. With the Rhode Island Foundation's continued support, along with that of community partners like Dave's Fresh Marketplace, we've expanded the outreach to a year-round program.
The website is your clearinghouse for all kinds of great information — from 100 Ways to Buy Local in all corners of the state, to great local events and businesses. If you're a Rhode Island business owner and would like to be included, free of charge, you can register here to create a listing.
If you've been following Buy Local RI at all, you've probably encountered its mascot, a rooster sporting an anchor tattoo to rep his Little Rhody pride. We've affectionately nicknamed him "Red." He can be found on, occasionally adding his two cents (or Chicken Scratch) to a blog post and even moonlighting as the virtual tour guide.
You may also have seen Buy Local RI mentioned in these recent ads produced by the Governor's Office and Rhode Island Commerce in support of businesses affected by Washington Bridge construction. We'd like to thank them for helping to get the message out that our local businesses need our support.
Because what Buy Local RI is really about is supporting our friends and neighbors. You're not just putting dollars into Rhode Island's economy. You're helping someone just like you live their dream.
Buy Local RI
Find ways to support local businesses throughout Rhode Island.