Since the passing of the legendary Betty White on December 31, 2021, there has been a huge movement to make her 100th birthday a special day. Betty was a passionate animal rights activist, serving on the Los Angeles Zoo's board for more than 50 years, advocating for the ASPCA and much more.

Betty White with Dogs

“Betty White demonstrated a lifelong commitment to helping animals in need, including dedicated support for local shelters and animal welfare endeavors, fiercely promoting and protecting animal interests in her entertainment projects, and personally adopting many rescued animals,” said Matt Bershadker, ASPCA president and CEO.

As a way to honor Betty, fans have come up with the #BettyWhiteChallenge. The challenge calls for people to donate to their favorite local animal shelters, rescues and nonprofit organizations on January 17, which would have been Betty's 100th birthday.

Wondering where you can donate locally? Below are some suggestions.

Rhode Island SPCA

Founded in 1870, the Rhode Island SPCA is the oldest humane animal welfare organization in the state of Rhode Island and the third oldest in the United States.

Roger Williams Park Zoo

Betty White not only advocated for the welfare of domesticated animals, but for all animals. You can also donate to the Roger Williams Park Zoo, which has an amazing conservation initiative.