People are hitting the streets for Pokémon GO. GoProvidence has joined in on the hunt by launching a blog series to help Pokémon GO gamers navigate Providence. Keep reading for more info ...

We wrap up our adventure with Pokémon GO on the West Side of Providence. Between Broadway and Westminster Street there are a total of 36 PokéStops for you to grab your gear. That's plenty of spots to place down lures too, since so many are close together. 


Along the way we spotted a few rare Pokémon on the tracker, and were able to catch a great amount of them. There are always plenty of Pidgeys and Zubats around, but we found a Horsea, Jynx and Gastly checking out the sites. 

The PokéStops listed below are taken straight from the game. Some of the actual locations might not be the same. 


Rocket to Mars
The Grange
Thurber Williams House
Broadway Bistro
Thomas Pierce House
Patrick P. Hoye House
Columbus Theatre
Fenner Peckham House
Colonial Art Archway
Francis J. Vinton House
Painted Electric Box
Painted Road Sign Glasses
Walter S. Hough House
William H. Mason House
The Avery Lounge
The Guarini House
Banana Sign 
St. Vartanantz Armenian Church 
Wall Mural - Nicks On Broadway 
Speedy Snail
Iannotti A.D. 1926
Italo American Club
Bridgham Street Community Garden
Rep Aldo Freda Memorial Ball Field 
Bell Street Chapel 
Ridge Street Park
Parenti Villa Gazebo 
Providence Public Safety Memorial 
Fire Department PVD
Spiral Placard
All Saints Memorial Church 
Grass Fence
Citizens Bank
Louis Gugliotti Historical Plaque
St Paul's Holiness Church 


House that Briggs Built
Carl Sagan Box
E & O Tap Mural
Sun Farms
Oasis Grille Mural

If you're looking for some refreshments while you're out trying to catch 'em all, visit our restaurants page. Who knows, maybe your favorite restaurant will be a PokéStop!

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